Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher Notes Outline

What sparked your internet passion? What got you involved in culture?
-        80’s photocopy magazine
-        90’s friend doing web design
-        he only wanted to do bmx, then learned “html”, then got sucked into it

Any struggle in balancing time between media and other stuff?
-        not a struggle, but a lifestyle
-        R.C. self published himself and wrote his website into a book
-        Self published because he couldn’t find a publisher “internet ‘cross pollination”
-        “hip hop culture is blue print for the 21st century”

What big projects are you working on?
-        the fish knows nothing of water

How do we train ourselves to reach digital maturity?
-        read Program or be Programmed
-        the more you know about how things work, the better you can deal with it
-        example: knowing about cars, better prepared you to be able to help yourself if it breaks down.

Does a rise in the media create more challenges or opportunities?
-        opportunity because we can teach old people how to use this stuff
-        “youngins” just have to learn it
-        different modes of language,
-        Example: texting, academic, colloquial, etc.
-        trust the young people!


  1. Well-organized notes! What can younger people do to earn the older generation's trust? How can your work in this class help?

  2. Thankyou! I believe that in this case, younger people need to show by example. I believe what we are doing in this class this year is a huge example of the good that young people can do with technology. Because this class is online, it is being broadcasted to the world. It shows what can be done, and we are evidence of it.
