Monday, November 7, 2011

What I've Learned in English so far...

I have learned a lot about how the internet works! There are endless opprotunities on how it can be used, but i learned that a major way that big corporations such as Facebook and Google use it, is to collect information from its users. This is really important because it shows that the tide is turning, and companies are starting to advertise based on whats new in our lives. We are the trendsetters.
I feel this video is relevant because it shows how facebook and technology have become so intertwined in our culture.

1 comment:

  1. Me too! Because of this class, I learned how Internet works, well I knew it before but I got further information on how internet works. I am little scared of my information being deliver to other people around the world, so I thought about not using the internet so much, but I don't think that will work because our life is not our life without that internet, internet is the one who connects each other.
